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Standardise or Bespoke

Standardise or Bespoke

Have you ever attended a training session and thought “Why am I being taught something I don’t use?” or “I/my team does not work like this”. This is something that sits in the back of my mind when I am preparing for any training session. I want to make sure that...

The Great Brain Drain

The Great Brain Drain

For several decades there has been a concern and a lot of commentary about the loss of “graduate talent” from the UK’s workforce as highly educated and skilled individuals decide to move overseas to pursue their careers.

The benefits of remote training

The benefits of remote training

Covid did not only change the way we travel the world, but it fast tracked the way in which law firms work, with less people in the office and more staff working remotely, but has IT training adapted to meet these new needs?  “Remote working” has now become a...

Cyber Security Breakdown

Cyber Security Breakdown

We’re delighted to bring you the first in our BreakDown series. BreakDowns are quick, easy reads that break down a subject so the audience can get up to speed with it. The aim is to stick to the essentials and avoid too much complex detail and jargon so that the...

The fresh face of IT

Changing the attitude to change

Cathy Kirby: Out of Practice After three decades in practice, Cathy Kirby has joined Baskerville Drummond as a consultant, to share a lifetime of learning and hard-won experience across the law firm technology and business strategy space. In this series of articles,...

Stranger on a train

Stranger on a train

You’ve read the articles, you’ve sat in the seminars, so you know how it goes. We’re talking cyber security and you know what’s coming…

Cyber Awareness

Cyber Awareness

It has to be accepted that human behaviour is the biggest risk to a firm’s security but it should also be recognised that staff members are now under a constant attack from organised cyber criminals and therefore need education and protection from social engineering hacking.

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